Peppertype Review

Peppertype Ai Review

Get 25000 words of peppertype ai free. In this peppertype ai review i have tested every feature of peppertype.

This is a Peppertype Ai Review Article, Where I have tested and reviewed the tool. The purpose of the article is to make it easy for you If you should give it a try or not.

The post contains affiliate links, Which means if you purchase I get commission, but without any cost to you, Plus that’s how I run this small business

Peppertype Ai Review

Peppertype ai

Aritificial intelligence based writer.

peppertype logo
Sales Copy
Ease Of Use
Long Form Content
Ideas And Creativity
Customer Support


The Ai writer is capable of writing short and long form content.


Writing Sales Copy

9 out of 10

With the AIDA, Value proposition, This tool should be the best tool for writing sales copies.

Ease of Use

10 out of 10

Straight forward, No issue, Has a search bar to search for a specific product.

Long Form Content

8.3 out of 10

It will write long-form content but not as convenient as other alternatives. ( Think like an automatic car vs a manual )

Ideas And Creativity

9.2 out of 10

you simply can’t get out of ideas if you have this tool.

Customer Support

8.4 out of 10

After reading a lot of reviews I found out they need a little improvement in Customer Support Area.

What Is Peppertype ai Anyways?

PepperType Ai is a software tool, which you can use to write content and generate ideas. Here are a few things you can do with peppertype but not limited to,

  • Write a blog introduction, rewrite any portion, or conclude it.
  • Write Sales copy.
  • Quora answers,
  • Generate engaging questions ( this is the most interesting part ).
  • Write effective emails.

Basically, If you are writing, you need it, Trust me it will save a lot of time.

Features Of Peppertype Ai


There are so many features of pepper type, Which makes me confused about which ones to talk about and which ones not to include. But then I grouped the same features into one department so that it’s easy to digest the features.

Seo And Blogging

BlogPost Writing

  • Write Sections of blog post
  • Generate Blog Post Ideas
  • Get Outline For your post
  • write Meta Description
  • Genrate Powerful Headlines
  • Conclusion writer

Business And E-commerce

Copy Writing

  • Write The Best Copy Of YOur Product
  • Aida Copy Writig
  • Value proposition
  • Proficient Writing
  • Content Simplifier
  • Product Description

Social Media And Emails

Engaging Writer

  • Write A Story In Few Words
  • Facebook Ad copy
  • Write Witty Engaing Mails
  • Write personal Bio
  • Attention Catching Posts
  • Youtube Description

These are the features in a nutshell, just to give you an idea about the tool. Later in this review article, i will be sharing ways that will help you use this software better.

Pros And Cons Of Pepper Ai

now let me reveal the pros of a pepper AI which are endless. For starters, you’ll never have to stress about that pesky human emotion getting in the way of completing tasks. No more tears, just pure robotic efficiency. Just begin and start seeing the magic.

But let’s just accept the fact that everything has its own downside, and so has pepper Ai. in this section I will explain exactly what are the pros and cons

that you should keep in mind.

All in all, the benefits of pepper AI far outweigh the cons. So why not ditch the human workers and embrace the future of automation today!”

So, Let’s find out what’s good and what’s bad.

  • Pepper Ai Got Some Serious Pros
  • Automatically Find Topics
  • Write Article Sections
  • Generate Exceptionally Well Writtn Sales Copy
  • Get Ideas For Engaging post
  • Write Effective Emails
  • A free plan to try out at first

Don’t forget to see the cons too

  • Abit pricey
  • Doesn’t Write Long Form Content in one go
  • Crafting The Right Prompt Is takes a little practice

The tool is flexible enough to do everything for you. You don’t need to hire any writer or market to do something for you, as long as you know how to use pepper ai, you don’t need to worry about the content side.

One of the most interesting and useful things I like about pepper ai is the creative part of it. It has loads of templates to make your life much easier. Sure there are other free resources like chatgpt, but with GPT you will have to do a lot of homework.

Imagine you want to keep your face on social media, and get engagement. Well without a tool either you have to hire someone to do it full-time for you, or you just pay for the tool and it takes care of everything. The benefit of a tool over humans is that it

  • creates engaging content.
  • doesn’t run out of ideas.
  • works more in less time.

Well, till now we just saw the boring stuff, I mean everyone possibly knows the features and pros and cons, but the real thing is figuring out, how to use the tool to get more out of it. So basically this article about pepper type ai review is mostly focused on the usage part of it. I’ll make sure you get the most out of your software tool, once you read this article.

How To 10x Content Creation With Peppertype Ai?

This is the most interesting part of ai, you can literally 10x your content creation and writing speed, you are no more a writer, you are a business owner, and you need to think like a startup from now on.

If you could create content faster then you will have a good opportunity to spend some time marketing that content, so it’s not just about creation, you also have to reach people through marketing, and outreach.

That’s why you need to create content fast enough so that you have more control over your time, Here is how you can do it with pepper type ai.

1)Get Ideas

This part of ai is mind-blowing, where do I start with this one? Pepper type even gives you ideas to generate content, Oh, that’s just fantastic! I mean, who needs creativity or imagination when you can just rely on a machine to do all the heavy lifting for you? I’m sure all the great writers and artists throughout history would have loved to have had access to such technology.

We all know as content writers and creators, it’s the most difficult part of content creation, Sometimes you are just burned out and don’t have a clue what to share with your audience. I mean,

why bother putting in any effort or brainstorming when you can just let a machine spit out ideas for you?

Peppertype ai is a great tool to generate ideas, this type of AI software can be helpful for everyone, from YouTubers to bloggers, and social media managers, this ai is a 360 player in the market.

Enough appreciated, now let’s do some homework, Here is how you can generate ideas from this software tool.

Ideas For Blogs

If you are a blogger like, who has to

  • Write a lot of content…
  • Do Keyword Research…
  • Update Old content…
  • Create backlinks for new content..

You get it, it’s tiring as hell. But no more, Let’s just use ai to outsource the brainstorming part.

Step 1: Goto Blog Ideas

Write about your product or service, such as my service which is writing about Ai tools.

Then add a description, if you don’t want to write the description, just copy and paste it from google..

Blog Ideas with Peppertype Ai

Step 2 : Create Content

Blog ideas Genrated

That’s it, you now have a list of ideas that you can write about, that can’t be your final output but at least you have done the brainstorming process with ai.

Ideas For Social Media

Social media requires a lot of posting,

Either you have to hire someone to do it for you, or use ai like peppertype, I would prefer using Ai, as it doesn’t get tired of ideas.

Here is how you get ideas for social media posts.

Step 1: Goto engaging social posts.

Just add a few variations of your keywords, Don’t forget to specify keyword in the box below.

In my case, it’s affiliate marketing…

Engaing Social media posts

Step2: Hit Create Content

Social media Ideas

There you go you have a list of posts that you can share for today!!!

2) Get Engaging Questions

This is the most interesting part of using Ai, you literally get so many creative questions about your topic. You can later post it on social media, or you can even create a blog posit or a youtube video around it.

Here is how you do it, first type in the search box ” Engaging Questions“, Then write the topic name that you want to get questions for.

Engaging questions

You can set the tone of questions and the people that you want to target. NOw hit create content.

Future of AI Content

These are the questions you can either share on social media or if you wanted to create a topic around this, you just split it.

From : How do you think ai will revolutionize content creation?

To : This is how Ai will revolutionize content creation.

3) Use Quora Answers From Peppertype Ai.

Another promising feature of the tool is quora answers, You can type in any question and it will pop up the most interesting answer.

First Goto to quora and find the Question, Then come back and put it into the quora answers box.

Quora question About Ai

You can make your specifications in advanced settings, but for now, let’s just do it simply.

Hit create Content.

Quora answer About Ai

This is your answer, copy and paste, and let people appreciate you for your hard work and efforts, Huh!

You know it, quora is a big deal, you can literally get a handful of traffic from quora, but just putting in these answers. so don’t shy away from it.

4) Write Killer Emails With BAB CopyWriting

Need to write promotional emails? use before after bridge technique.

You know, the ones where some supposed “expert” tells you about how they were struggling with X problem and then found the miracle solution in Y product or service?

And of course, they include a “before” picture of their sad, pathetic life and an “after” picture of them living their best life thanks to said product or service. Let me tell you, there’s more relatable than being bombarded with images of people who supposedly were in the same boat as you, but are now living their dream life thanks to a product or service.

It’s like a virtual slap in the face reminding you of all your failures and inadequacies, but fear not! Because for the low, low price of X dollars, you too can have the life you’ve always wanted.

So in this peppertype ai review article, I wanna show you how you can do it easily with before-after-bridge.

First head over to the before-after bridge section.

before after bridge email

write the name of your product/service, then give a little description and click create content.

That’s it, you got a cool-looking email that you can bombard your customers with.

5) Get Value Proposition ( Why Us)

You are creating content to sell products, how can you convince people why should they exactly buy from you, well there comes a value proposition.

it’s the most difficult part of doing business. You have to assure customers that they should buy from you.

So in this pepper-type ai review article, I want to show you, how you can get a written value proposition for the tool.

First head over to the Value proposition tab, type in the name of your product/service, and give some details on what they are.

Hit create content.

I couldn’t even dream of writing such an amazing value proposition for my blog, the choice of words and structure of sentences is mind-blowing. It’s actually writing better than me, even being an experienced writer.

Other Features ( Peppertype ai Review)

Youtube Video Description: you can write descriptions for your youtube videos, with one single click, just tell what your video is about, and boom.

AIDA: Attention Interest Desire Action, that’s how a sales life cycle goes, you first need to develop the attention of your readers, then build interest, which creates the desire for the product/service, and that’s how you get sales ( action).

You can get your AIDA script from pepper type ai. Just repeat the above step.

Website Headlines: headlines are the most crucial part of blogging, If you can get people to click your titles, you will generate traffic, use the tool to generate attention-grabbing headlines.

Feature To Benefit: Feature-benefit selling is a straightforward but highly effective sales strategy. The premise behind it is simple: the salesperson’s job is to connect the features of their product to the benefits the customer will receive if they use it.

Why do You need To Use Peppertype Ai?

Artificial intelligence has just begun. it’s used everywhere in each industry. Especially in content creation. People are creating content faster than they used to

in the past.

So with that said, if you want to move ahead of your competition, you will need to make use of Ai. Remember

Ai will not replace you, but people using Ai will.

If you didn’t go with the flow, you will not survive, that’s just the reality of this world.

Here are a few reasons you should consider using Ai, especially peppertype ai.

1)Get Fast Results

As an online business owner, you need to think like a CEO. You have to do everything so quickly that you get extra time to manage the marketing part.

It should not be about content production only. You need to place your content in front of people and you just can’t do it without any active marketing efforts.

For example, if you are a blogger like along with content writing you have to,

  • Make relationships.
  • Build links.
  • Build an email list.
  • Do the technical analysis.

So the point is, You are a CEO and you need to do everything to make sure you are getting results, not just writing content. And you simply can’t do everything without using ai such as Peppertype ai.

2) Write Better

Use ai to make your content better. Trust me, with better prompts you will get amazing results. Here is an example.

I needed to write about my blog and its purpose of it, Here is how I wrote it.

Zehaan. co is an affiliate blog, I write reviews about the software. I am transparent and will not shy away from exposing all the Bad sides Of software. I make sure to go through the software and practice every possibe thing with it. I want my readers to feel to feel comfortable when they are purchasing a software.

Just added this block to the content rewriter field in the tool with witty tone under Advanced settings.

Here is how the content rewriter tool turned everything.

Content rewriter results

Simply amazing, i couldn’t have come up with such amazing writing ideas.

3) Make Your Content Engaging And Interesting

I get it, you are not here to make jokes, You are here to do some serious and professional business. But hey, people don’t like boring stuff, if you sound boring, there is no business for you.

There is nothing better than a live example, Actually, i wanted to write on attention span, but then asked Peppertype ai to make it sarcastic, Here are before and after versions.

As we move into the year 2022, our attention spans will continue to decrease up to the goldfish. This is due to the increasing amount of information that we’re bombarded with on a daily basis.


As we move into the year 2022, our attention spans will continue to decrease upto the gold fish. This is due to the increasing amount of information that we’re bombarded with on a daily basis.

One way to do this is to limit our exposure to social media and other sources of information that are overwhelming. Instead, we should focus on quality over quantity. We should also make an effort to disconnect from technology and disconnect from the constant flow of information.


Attention span

That’s it the new text is far more interesting and engaging than the one I wrote.

Peppertype Ai Accounts ( Free and paid)

Peppertype provides you with both free and paid accounts, you can use the free account to know how the software works before you buy.

Free Account

In your free account, you get 5,000 words. But there is more to it, You can complete easy and simple tasks to gain rewards each containing 5,000 words.

=> Rewards

  • Refer someone and get 5k words.
  • Write a Review on G2, Trust pilot, and capterra to get 5k words for each.
  • Join the Facebook group ( 5k words)
  • Get a training call.

So you can earn up to 25,000 Free words, That’s a lot for a free trial.

Paid Accounts and Pricing

As I said earlier, Peppertype is a bit pricey, but for the features they provide, I won’t mind it.

Here is some flexible pricing for you to try out.

These are yearly plans.

Starter Plan

For individuals, entrepreneurs, freelancers & small teams.

$25 Per month | Billed Yearly

Single User

  • 50,000 words per seat
  • Add team members
  • Advanced parameters
  • All 20+ content types & early access to new ones
  • Request us a content type
  • Active customer support


Growth Plan

For professionals, marketing teams, agencies, and startups.

$165 Per month | Billed Yearly

5 Users

  • 50,000 words per seat
  • Add team members
  • Advanced parameters
  • All 20+ content types & early access to new ones
  • Request us a content type
  • Active customer support
  • Collaborate and share results
  • Access Control
  • Download results


Enterprise Plan

For marketplaces, aggregators, and enterprises.

Contact Them

  • Customized AI model trained just for you
  • Custom product widget and integration
  • Bulk content generation based on your parameters
  • Human quality check
  • Brand voice and other parameters add on
  • Exclusive check for plagiarism and grammar

If you buy from yearly plans you will get a 20% discount on each offer.

Monthly plans.

in monthly plans, everything remains the same, except prices, get a little higher.

  • 35$ Per Month for Starter.
  • 199$ Per Month For Growth Plan
  • For the enterprise plan, you get customized pricing.

Peppertype Ai Reviewed Alternatives

Hang on, we are still left with something…

It is not a dead-end if Peppertype is not your thing, you can still manage to get your hands on Ai softwares, That will make your life easy.

Here are a few alternatives…

Jarvis/ Jasper

jasper which previously was called Jarvis can serve the same as pepper type. But there is more to it.

If you want long-form content, Jasper is your choice, because it allows you to write a blog post of 3,000 words in minutes, Here are pricing plans for jasper.


QuillBot has some unique features that will help you write content in any tone you want.

You can select whatever mode you want your content to be, and it will replace the words and do it for you.

Here is an example.

Quilbot praphraser

Quillbot is much cheaper than the above software, but also has limitations, Here are the features of Quillbot.

  • Rewrite content ( paraphrase ).
  • change modes.
  • Summarize Content.
  • Grammar check.
  • Plagiarism check.

Here are the pricing plans for Quillbot.

Quillbot plans

3) AnyWord Ai

Anyword can do anything and everything, Here is an example of how it writes a portion of a blog post.

anyword ai assistant

This is prompt, Where I asked anyword to write a section of a blog post in a professional style, and also add the keyword Jaspar ai alternatives. Here is the outcome.

anyword writer

Anyword pricing.

anyword pricing

Peppertype Ai Review With My Suggestion

There are dozens of ai software that can write for you, So which one to choose?

Well, it depends on what you want, for instance, if you want an all-in-one software, then helps you write content on your blog, manages your social media presence, helps you build a reputation on youtube, and writes powerful emails.

Then Go for peppertype, because it has everything that you could possibly need.

But if you just want to write long-form content like blog posts, then go with any word, or jasper, Because They are better at long-form content.

And at last, if you want to avoid plagiarism at all costs, you can combine Quillbot with any of those softwares. It will save your back.

That’s it, and here is how I wrote the ending lines with chatgpt…..

In conclusion, PepperType AI software is like a ghost pepper for your keyboard

it’ll make your fingers sizzle with speed and accuracy. But, if you’re a wimp when it comes to spicy technology, don’t worry – there are plenty of milder alternatives out there.


Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQS)

What is Peppertype Ai?

Peppertype Ai is a writing tool, that uses artificial intelligence to create unique content, generate ideas, write youtube descriptions, and compose compelling emails.

Is PepperType AI free?

PepperType AI is not a free tool, but it does offer a free trial period for users to try out its features before deciding to purchase a subscription.

How does PepperType AI work?

PepperType AI works by utilizing natural language processing algorithms to understand the context and meaning behind written text. It then uses this information to generate high-quality written content that is tailored to the user’s specific needs.

Does PepperType AI have a lifetime deal?

There are no lifetime deals currently available for PepperType AI.

Can PepperType AI understand and generate text in multiple languages?

Yes, PepperType AI can understand and generate text in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Portuguese.

How accurate is PepperType AI?

PepperType AI is known for its high accuracy, with many users reporting that it produces content that is nearly indistinguishable from that written by a human.

Can PepperType AI be trained on specific industry-specific data?

Yes, PepperType AI can be trained on specific industry-specific data, allowing it to generate content that is tailored to the needs of a particular industry or niche.

Is PepperType AI capable of understanding context and generating text accordingly?

Yes, PepperType AI is capable of understanding context and generating text that is appropriate and relevant to the topic at hand.

Can PepperType AI be used for automatic translation between different languages?

Yes, PepperType AI can be used for automatic translation between different languages, making it a useful tool for businesses and organizations that operate on a global scale.

Is PepperType AI capable of generating text in the style of a specific author or publication?

Yes, PepperType AI can be trained to generate text in the style of a specific author or publication, allowing businesses and organizations to maintain a consistent voice across all of their written content.

Can PepperType AI be used to create entirely new pieces of literature?

Yes, PepperType AI can be used to create entirely new pieces of literature, although the quality of the output will depend on the training data and prompts used.

Can PepperType AI be integrated with other software applications?

Yes, PepperType AI can be integrated with other software applications, making it a flexible and versatile tool that can be used in a wide range of contexts.

What types of prompts can PepperType AI handle?

Pepper Type AI can handle a wide range of prompts, including blog post ideas, social media posts, email marketing copy, product descriptions, and more. As long as the prompt is written in a clear and concise manner, PepperType AI should be able to generate high-quality content in response.

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