This is Scenarios


You might want to read these notes….

Inbound Calling

⇒ just create your squad inside vapi, copy the the squadID and update the phone number with the ID, you will recieve inbound calls to squad

⇒ You need phone number id to refference to specific phone number

Outbound calling

⇒ Use (create A call ) APi endpoint and pass your squad Id, phone Number Id, customer number, and , now you can make outbound calls with your squad.

Inbound squad with Dynamic Variables

⇒ It means to recieve calls to your squads with dynamic variables that you can use inside your static assistant. These assistants are the members of the squad.

for example

Hey {{name}}, how are you today

=⇒> this name will be replaced with whatever value you pass in the name variable inside assistnatOverrides object through variable values.

assistantOverride Object

 "name": "putin",

how to use this method

<aside> 💡

To use this method You must not have any assistant attached to inbound calls, goto phone numbers and remove all the assistants from inbound calls, Then create a webhook in and put the URL in ServerURl in the settings,

After that we need to,

  1. Create assistnats inside dashboard
  2. Create squad inside the dashboard and Use Get Api Endpoint to To get all the Json copy this json
  3. Use http module/Make Request , call the updateSquad Api endpoint, Past the json in the body.
  4. pass assistantOverrides object to every assistant inside the squad
  5. now exclude ( id, orgId, createdAt, updatedAt, from the output of this module and pass this Json data to webhook response as =⇒ “squad” JsonDataHere
  6. now you wil recieve inbound calls to this squad. </aside>

OutBound Call with Dynamic variables

Use create call api Endpoint to make Create json structure for outbound call with squads.

Use assistants id’s and their destinations.

Top-Level Object
└── members (Array of Member Objects)
    ├── Member Object
    │   ├── assistantId (Unique Identifier)
    │   ├── assistantOverrides (Custom Settings)
    │   ├── variableValues (Your variables )
    │   │   └── Example Pair:
    │   │       └── "name" : "jhoni jannan"
    │   ├── assistantDestinations (Array of Destinations)
    │   │   ├── Destination Object
    │   │   │   ├── message (Text to Display)
    │   │   │   ├── description (Description of Action)
    │   │   │   ├── type (Type of Destination)
    │   │   │   │   └── Example: "assistant"
    │   │   │   └── assistantName (Name of Destination Assistant or Department)
    │   └── (Repeat for Each Member Object)

Now you can do outbound call Using squads with this json,.

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