This is Scenarios
You might want to read these notes….
Inbound Calling
⇒ just create your squad inside vapi, copy the the squadID and update the phone number with the ID, you will recieve inbound calls to squad
⇒ You need phone number id to refference to specific phone number
Outbound calling
⇒ Use (create A call ) APi endpoint and pass your squad Id, phone Number Id, customer number, and , now you can make outbound calls with your squad.
Inbound squad with Dynamic Variables
⇒ It means to recieve calls to your squads with dynamic variables that you can use inside your static assistant. These assistants are the members of the squad.
for example
Hey {{name}}, how are you today
=⇒> this name will be replaced with whatever value you pass in the name variable inside assistnatOverrides object through variable values.
assistantOverride Object
"name": "putin",
how to use this method
<aside> 💡
To use this method You must not have any assistant attached to inbound calls, goto phone numbers and remove all the assistants from inbound calls, Then create a webhook in and put the URL in ServerURl in the settings,
After that we need to,
- Create assistnats inside dashboard
- Create squad inside the dashboard and Use Get Api Endpoint to To get all the Json copy this json
- Use http module/Make Request , call the updateSquad Api endpoint, Past the json in the body.
- pass assistantOverrides object to every assistant inside the squad
- now exclude ( id, orgId, createdAt, updatedAt, from the output of this module and pass this Json data to webhook response as =⇒ “squad” JsonDataHere
- now you wil recieve inbound calls to this squad. </aside>
OutBound Call with Dynamic variables
Use create call api Endpoint to make Create json structure for outbound call with squads.
Use assistants id’s and their destinations.
Top-Level Object
└── members (Array of Member Objects)
├── Member Object
│ ├── assistantId (Unique Identifier)
│ ├── assistantOverrides (Custom Settings)
│ ├── variableValues (Your variables )
│ │ └── Example Pair:
│ │ └── "name" : "jhoni jannan"
│ ├── assistantDestinations (Array of Destinations)
│ │ ├── Destination Object
│ │ │ ├── message (Text to Display)
│ │ │ ├── description (Description of Action)
│ │ │ ├── type (Type of Destination)
│ │ │ │ └── Example: "assistant"
│ │ │ └── assistantName (Name of Destination Assistant or Department)
│ └── (Repeat for Each Member Object)
Now you can do outbound call Using squads with this json,.
This is zehaan, I love automating repetitive tasks with Ai.
ur a g, thanks bro